Hi, I’m Knox a 4-month-old Cavapoo male and I’m being fostered in Northern Virginia. My soft curly fur and eyes show my poodle side but my temperament is pure Cavalier.

I have lots of puppy energy and I love to play fetch. I actually like all toys, especially ones that squeak. I like to get all the toys and take them out of the toy basket one by one and drag them all over the house to teeth on.
I sleep in bed with everyone (because I refuse to be left out!). My foster mom said I was a smart puppy. The first day I was at their house, I learned how to use the doggie door just by watching my 4 foster brothers and sisters use it. I also immediately ran up and down the stairs to the backyard to prove I was smart like she said.

I love to play with my foster siblings. I like all the dogs. I hope your house has other dogs for me to play with or some friends to socialize with.
I am still working on potty training. I love walking on a leash with the pack too. All the new scents to discover are exciting! My tail waves/wags just like my Cavalier foster siblings
I’m also a good eater and love my treats. Since I’m a puppy I try to eat everything else too (just like any toddler)!

If you think you are a good match for Knox, email us at cavalierrescuecoalition@gmail.com for an application.